The song in this video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.
With my eyes, I can see All the leaves on the tree. I CAN SEE, HEAR, SMELL, TASTE AND TOUCH. WITH MY FIVE SENSES I LEARN SO MUCH! With my ears, I can hear Noises far and noises near. I CAN SEE, HEAR, SMELL, TASTE AND TOUCH. WITH MY FIVE SENSES I LEARN SO MUCH! With my nose, I can smell Bread, flowers and seashells. I CAN SEE, HEAR, SMELL, TASTE AND TOUCH. WITH MY FIVE SENSES I LEARN SO MUCH! With my tongue, I can taste Oranges, chocolate and toothpaste.
With my skin I can feel. With my hands, I can touch. I CAN SEE, HEAR, SMELL, TASTE AND TOUCH. WITH MY FIVE SENSES I LEARN SO MUCH!
This video and its rights are property of The Walt Disney Company - Baby Einstein.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.
Gaurkoan ez dut ingelesez idatziko. Euskaraldiak eta gure Euskarak tratamendu berezia merezi dute. Kanpainia handia ari gara prestatzen azaroaren 23tik abenduraren 3ra (Euskararen eguna, ez ahaztu data!) Hauxe da herri mailan prestatu egin dugun bideoa:
Today is the 5th of November. In the UK, Bonfire Night (or Guy Fawkes Night) is celebrated on 5 November and the night skies are filled with colour. It's a special day in honour of a historic event.
Hello! Halloween is coming. Halloween is on Wednesday night, October 31st. Here you've some videos and information about this celebration. Let's learn about witches, ghosts, pumpkins, trick-or-treaters, black cats, mummies and other monsters and dark stories.
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.
Bet you didn't know: Halloween
This video and its rights are property of History (R).
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.
Halloween History - National Geographic
This video and its rights are property of National Geographic.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.
Craft: egg carton bats
Halloween song: A witch came flying
This video and its rights are property of Oxford University Press.
The share in this blog has not commercial, but educational purposes.